Camille Sippel
10th December 2023
Imagine buying a product you believe is doing good for the planet, only to discover it's part of the problem. That betrayal is the essence of greenwashing, a growing trend that's undermining the fight against environmental protection.
The term greenwashing was coined by New York environmentalist Jay Westerveld in 1986 after he saw a sign in a hotel asking guests to re-use their towels to "save the environment”. He noted the hotel made no real effort to protect the environment and the real purpose of the sign was to reduce the amount of money the hotel spent on laundry. He created the term to describe the devious tactics companies use to appear more environmentally responsible than they are.
During the same decade, Chevron poured millions of dollars into adverts showcasing its protection of cute animals to convince the public of its environmental responsibility, while at the same time violating the Clean Air Act, the Clean Water Act and spilling oil into wildlife refuges.
Greenwashing isn’t going away—in fact, it’s becoming more and more common. But it’s important to know what it is and why it’s so damaging.
Greenwashing tactics are routinely used by companies to downplay their carbon emissions, exaggerate their clean energy investments, promote unproven solutions, and shift responsibility for the climate crisis to individuals.
Some companies spend more time and money on making themselves look environmentally friendly than on actually minimizing their environmental impact. This results in businesses continuing with their existing business models, which prioritize short-term profits and delay climate action.
Not only does this mislead consumers about the sustainability of products and services, but it also unfairly hurts competitors who make a genuine effort to be sustainable.
At a time when the world is facing serious environmental issues such as climate change, deforestation, and biodiversity loss, greenwashing can obstruct real efforts to address these challenges. It can also lead to lax environmental regulations if policymakers mistakenly believe that voluntary initiatives by companies are sufficient.
By exposing and challenging greenwashing in court, we can send a powerful message to companies engaging in deceptive marketing: Your customers, and the public, are owed the truth.
Climate litigation can help stop companies from misleading consumers and investors into thinking companies are more environmentally friendly than they actually are.
For far too long, companies have been able to greenwash their products and services to the public without risk. By bringing suits that force these companies to substantiate their sustainability claims, we hold them accountable over disingenuous claims.
Globally, ClientEarth has a history of taking on major corporations over greenwashing.
Camille Sippel is a staff attorney in the US focusing on climate finance issues, specifically using corporate, finance, and consumer law to move corporations and investment decisions toward alignment with climate goals.